Honorable Certificate from the Prime Minister of Canada
In 2015, for celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Canada International Vision Art Centre, Mr. Zhou, who is the chairman of the organization/company, received the honorable certificate from the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper.

The Endless Footstep - The Life of Xi Zhongxun
In 2015, Xu Zhou’s new art album named The Endless Footstep - The Life of Xi Zhongxun (initiated by The Central Literature Press) was published and released in Macau, Hong Kong and North America.

Chinese Central Literature Press Commissioned Artwork
In 2013, Xu Zhou was commissioned by the Chinese Central Literature Press of starting his new project named The Endless Footstep - The Life of Xi Zhongxun (Xi Zhongxun is the father of Xi Jinping, the current General Secretary of the Communist Party and President of China).

2009 “Artists in Motion” presents “Art in the Park”
September, 2009 “Artists in Motion” presents “Art in the Park”

The Wellington Art Gallery
In 2008, winter, Xu Zhou was invited by The Wellington Art Gallery and had his art exhibition.

The Streets Ville Art Gallery
In the year of 2007, Zhou was invited by "The Streets Ville Art Gallery" and had a small group of Asian inspiration artwork show, where it was held at the city of Mississauga.

North York Central Library Solo Art Exhibition
In 2006, Zhou Xu's art exhibition was held in North York Central Library during the whole month of December, 2006. There are eighteen pieces of his recent art work in this exhibition. They consist of modern abstract painting using acrylic medium. The North York Central Library has added to its collection Zhou Xu's art album. This album is written in Chinese and Portuguese. Also, the special album which was published by The Chinese Artists Magazine has been placed in this library.

Peace Medal from 70th Anniversary of WWII in Asia
In 2015, Mr. Zhou’s latest art album The Endless Footstep - The Life of Xi Zhongxun was exhibited at the 70th anniversary symposium and picture exhibition of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the world Anti-Fascist War, taken place at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. The art album was also collected by the committee of Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of WWII in Asia. At the same time, Mr. Zhou received the certificate of Peace Medal for his outstanding dedicated contribution in protecting the truth of WWII History in Asia theatre, and promoting friendship between the People of Canada and China, the award was presented by committee of Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of WWII in Asia.

Honorable Certificated from the Ministry of Culture China
In 2014, Xu Zhou received the honorable certificated from the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and China Disabled Person’s Federation. At the same time, Mr. Zhou was awarded as the Charity Ambassador for his outstanding works and contributions at 1st China Disabled Person Art Works Exhibition.
Modern Abstract Painting Album
In 2013, Zhou Xu Modern Abstract Painting Album was published by He Bei Media Press.

UNICEF Charitable Night
In 2012, Xu Zhou is the organizer and the director of "2012 In support of UNICEF Charitable Night”.

Art exhibition at Business Achievement Awards for (CAMSC) "Canada Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council".
As an honour, Zhou was invited by the "Craig Scott Art Gallery" for having the Art exhibition at Business Achievement Awards for (CAMSC) "Canada Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council".

Interviews with the mainstream media in Canada
During his visit to Canada, various Canadian newspaper such as Canada's Sing Tao, and Mingpao, as well as overseas newspaper such as, The Entertainment newspaper in Macau and Taiwan reported his accomplishment in Canada.